Kirby Template Stacks

Template stacks allows you to push to named stacks which can be rendered somewhere else in another snippet or template. This idea is inspired from Laravel Blade Stacks.


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Unzip downloaded file
  3. Copy/paste unzipped folder in your /site/plugins folder



Calls a given stack name and prints all the items in it. The last data is printed last.

  <?php stack('scripts') // directly outputted ?>

  <?php echo stack('scripts', true) // returns as string ?>

push() ... endpush()

Pushes data to a given stack name. The sent data is thrown to the end of the stack.

<?php push('scripts') ?>
    Push any content to footer multiple times from anywhere
<?php endpush() ?>

If the pushed data is unique and in a repeating loop, you can send the secondary parameter as true. For example; if you want a javascript library to be loaded only once in a blocks field.

<?php push('scripts', true) ?>
    <script src="assets/js/plugins/slider.js"></script>
<?php endpush() ?>


Sample 1: with snippets and templates

Defining stacks




  <?php stack('scripts') ?>

Pushing contents to the stack


<?php snippet('header') ?>


<?php push('scripts') ?>
    <script src="assets/js/home.js"></script>
<?php endpush() ?>

<?php snippet('footer') ?>

Sample 2: with new snippets with slots feature

Defining stacks


  <?= $slots->default() ?>
  <?php stack('footer') ?>

Pushing contents to the stack


<?php snippet('layouts/default', slots: true) ?>


<?php push('footer') ?>
    <script src="assets/js/home.js"></script>
<?php endpush() ?>

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